Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I'm Moving In!

I moved my stuff over here so i could continue on my journey and for those of you who might read this might get to know me a little. :) I don't know what it is but my computer works so much better over here! I can do what I want with NO WAITING!!!! Over the weekend The Daddy took me and two of our three girls to the zoo. It was a perfect day! The weather was just right, with a clear blue sky. We all had so much fun! My favorite is the petting zoo, The Daddy likes the bats (I'm not too crazy about flying furry things) The girls liked the penguins and the otters, and they had a blast at the fountains! My youngest (7 year old) fell in love with a big old sheep, she wanted to bring it home! It was a really lovable old thing and it stayed right by us wanting to be petted. My family embarrassed me...... we were getting ready to move out of the petting area and i forgot to wash my hands...*BLUSHING* My girls and The Daddy made such a big deal over it that everyone there stopped and turned around to look at me! They were smiling, but Geeeez was my face red! Here I am *The Mama* and my kids and Hubby are telling me to wash up! *cringes* To make matters worse the little one has to drag me over to the sink and then the 11 year old has to make an issue out of making sure I know how to use the soap dispenser. *HELLO* I am not an idiot, i do know how to wash my hands! Well at least i am glad everyone got a good chuckle over my forgetfulness!!!! *RASBERRIES* Okay...I am off to do some more exploring.....................................................

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